
Frequently Asked Questions

If you cannot find the answer to your question below, please contact Zanevanderbuilt Resident


Visit the rentals page on this site ( Or check out the neighborhood. Available rentals will have float text above their mailbox. You can click any mailbox in the city to be notified of that specific home or of any openings as they become available. We also have a waitlist at the Bayside City landing. If you need help finding a home, message Zanevanderbuilt Resident.
When you rent, you will be automatically invited to the Vanderbuilt Estates group. You must accept this group invitation to rez. If you miss the invite, simply click your rental and click "group invite" to receive another. If you're having trouble rezzing in certain areas, be sure to rez a prim that you can place objects on as you pull things out of your inventory. If you were already in the group and cannot rez, try leaving the group then clicking your rental & group invite to receive another.
All you need to do is click your rental, click tenants and add the names of anyone you want joining your home. Keep in mind, their prims will count against your prim allowance. They will receive a group invite to rez once added and will need to click the rental if they miss it. We recommend asking for edit rights for anyone rezzing in your home should you need to move or return their items.
Click the security tablet in your home. You can choose to arm or disarm, add people to a guest list or ban people from your property. If you have any trouble with security or another resident in regard to securing your home please do not hesitate to contact Zanevanderbuilt Resident. Smaller rentals in Little Toyko, Venice Blvd and Vine St do not come with security.
No. Upon move in, please send us a stream you would like by IMing Zanevanderbuilt your address and a link to the stream. If you need to change after, you're welcomed to use media players or radios.
No. Keep in mind, this is a role play sim, you do not own the land. Please forward any requests to ZaneVanderbuilt Resident and a member of staff will respond.
No. We are not able to give everyone who lives on the sim eject/banning rights. Please make use of your home's security. You can eject and ban residents to prevent them from coming into your house. If you are being harassed, trolled, etc please contact Zanevanderbuilt Resident.
No, we do not currently offer land for sale or house swaps. Please ensure you visit the home prior to renting to ensure you like the home. Your rental is for the home.
You can rez anything you'd like at your home that is not offensive, not an obstruction and is on your property without negatively impacting the street-facing side of your home.
The property may currently be rented, reserved for a sim sponsor or locked. If a property is available for renting, it will display float text indicating its available. If you need help finding a home, keep an eye on real estate openings and stop by to connect with a realtor. You can also request an appointment. Be sure to list a wide variety of available times to meet. Appointment requests can only be honored given agents' availability.

Sim Information

Yes, anyone renting on Bayside is welcomed to drive a car within your prim allowance. You must either remove your car or park in a designated parking space. If you have a driveaway, you can park your car there. If not, you will need to find a metered space. Meters in Bayside can be paid hourly and there are select weekly parking spaces available. For hourly spaces, prices vary per neighborhood. If you pay 3 hours on a meter, you will get an additional 3 hours free to accommodate for business parking. If you come across an hourly parking space with time remaining and the renter/driver has left, you're welcomed to use the remaining time. Please do not use a weekly parker's space. These will be designated with their name on the rental. Failure to abide by parking laws will results in tickets (in character) but may eventually lead to your inability to drive in Bayside, if ignored. Please read more on parking at -
Simply find a commercial location you like in world and rent. If you have any questions, send an IM to ZaneVanderbuilt Resident.
Anything you can think of. Businesses should fit within the theme and contain high quality furniture/decor/vendors that meet a city aesthetic. You're welcomed to operate role play businesses or businesses to earn Lindens. Keep an eye on Bayside Chamber of Commerce meetings to meet other business owners and keep up with what's going on for businesses in Bayside.
Residents you may rez small role play items as needed - such as yoga mats and beach towels but you MUST pick up after yourself. Failure to do so repeatedly may lead to a sim ban. Non-residents, we do not offer rez rights. If you are dining at Faith & Flower or setting up for a farmer's market, please follow instructions on temporary rezzing.
All second life residents are welcome to work in Bayside. You will find both role play and linden earning jobs. All available jobs are listed in classifieds on Discord or you can network with individuals in the city.
We strongly recommend joining our in world group or discord and begin getting to know people in the city. You want to keep an eye out for business openings, rp events, meet ups, etc. We also use MyStory and SML in the city. Work on your stats and you're likely to cross paths with others. Visit our getting started suggestions for more -


All business owners are welcome to 2 custom channels in our Discord server (this may change, depending on availability).

• Your business must be open and operating
• You should have previously posted or promoted your channel in Discord.

Suggestions - you may want a channel to coordinate and communicate with staff and a channel to promote publicly. Keep your business in mind when making this decision. You don't need a vanity channel no one is going to visit. If you have a lot of activity and a lot of events, this may be a good idea. If you host a couple events a month - use the events channel, the server events or general chat to promote.

1. Business or faction name - this needs to be the name of your business. If you do not yet have a business name, apply once you do.
2. Business location - include the SLURL of your business. We will teleport there to confirm you are open and operational.
3. Channels requested - List the name(s) of the channels you need. If you are requesting one channel, list the name of the channel. If you are requesting 2 channels, list both names.
4. Do you need new roles created? You only need roles if you need different individuals to have different permissions in channels. ie if you need people who can delete messages or use the "@here" command and other members who can only read or only read/chat. If all of your staff are intended to read/chat, then you only need one role. You do not need a role as the owner, you will have full permissions for your channel. If you decide you need roles, list the roles. Typically you only need one - "staff"
5. 1st channel permissions requested - this is asking what you want people to be able to see/do in this channel. ie: is this for everyone in Bayside to see or is this only for staff to see. If public, should everyone be able to type or should they only be able to view.
6. 2nd channel permissions requested - same as above if you are requesting 2 channels. Type NA if not.
7. Detail how you intend to use the channels. We need to know exactly why you need these channels. We will typically approve channels for staff communication but if it is public facing we need to know how this will differ from using the channels we already have for promotion. Please do not skip this question. Your request may not be approved if a need for the channel is not identified.
8. List names that need to be added to the roles - include their discord name and the role they need. If you already have people who need a role, this will strengthen your request as you should already be operating to get a channel. You can also instruct individuals to use the role request channel later to request your role. Just note, you'll need to comment below them to approve it.

That's all! Requests can take about 7-10 days complete. We need to review, verify details, see activity from your business and also create roles, modify permissions and we may request you open a ticket or connect with someone from the Chamber of Commerce in world. to discuss further.

Didn't find the answer?

Ask in the Questions channel in Discord. For customer support contact Zanevanderbuilt Resident in world or submit a ticket in Discord.