Welcome to the Bayside City Department of Motor Vehicles
Job Description:
- Patrol Bayside City and issue parking tickets for any violations
- Actively open the DMV office multiple times a week to offer licensing services, ticket payments, vehicle registration (soon) and appeals (s00n).
Parking Violations
Travel around Bayside looking for cars illegally parked. Types of violations:
- Expired Meter – at an unpaid meter. We do not ticket for expired meters on Sunday (we still ticket illegal parking and abandoned vehicles)
- Illegal parking – parked in a no park zone or area not designated for parking
- Abandoned Vehicle – a vehicle in the middle of the street, off the road (ie in bushes or the ocean)
- Take a photo of the car – use a snipping tool, screenshot or gyazo so you can capture float text from a meter if this is an expired meter.
- Upload the photo in the “active violations” channel in Discord. Do this step first. If appealed, we need proof of the time/date of the violation.
- Open CAD – https://sonorancad.com/
- Click the DMV Tab
- Click Records
- Click New Record > Parking Violation
- Paste the Image URL from your Discord screenshot (by opening in browser) or upload the image
- Right click the vehicle and click edit to see who the owner is. Be sure you are looking at owner and not creator.
- In CAD, click Search Next to Civilian Information and enter the second life username to search.
- If you do not get any results, enter the second life user name in the first and last name field
- Fill out the Violation Details
- Enter your role play name in the Ticketing Officer Field
- Leave the status as pending
- Click Add Record
Tow Request
Any vehicle parked illegally or abandoned must be towed. To request a tow, please tag @admin in the parking violations channel when you submit the photo and write: Tow Request.
- Whenever you are working in office, be sure to alert the Bayside Role Play Group, the Vanderbuilt Estates group (if you are a resident of the city) and general chat in Discord. When posting in Discord, its good to use an image to catch people’s attention. You can create your own or use the following (be sure to click to save the full size):
- When people arrive, direct them to the registration station and tell them to fill out their “paperwork”
- Once complete they will need to pay for their license to the tip jar tablet you are logged in to
- $150L for Bayside residents – They must wear their Vanderbuilt Estates group so you can confirm, you can also look in their profile. The title should say Vanderbuilt Estates. They also must have a home or business address listed in their paperwork.
- $250L for non-resident IDs
- $200L for an address change
- Open CAD and navigate to the DMV page then Records
- Click New Record > License
- Fill out all License information
- DMV Status – supervisor only
- Status – Valid
- Type – Vehicle
- Expiration – 3 month’s from the current date
- Issued by – your role play name
- Date issued – the current date
- License Number – S and then any random 7 digit number
- As if they are a veteran or would like to be an organ donor
- Next to Civilian Information, click search and enter their SL username. This should list them as a result if they filled their paperwork out correctly. If they did not, have them take a seat and revisit the CAD website to complete. They may need guidance. If there are just a couple responses missing, ask and fill them out. Be sure they have used their USERNAME in the first and last name fields. If they have one name for their username, use Resident as their last. If they used their display name, be sure to update it in CAD.
- Advise them to sit on the photo stool and take a close up photo (from the chest up). Be sure to leave space above their head
- Advise them to take a seat while you finish
- Login to Canva and access the template – License: Click Here General ID: Click Here
- On the bottom of the page, you will see multiple pages. Right click the first and hit Duplicate to begin a new license or ID
- Replace all of the template info with their info from CAD
- DL – License Number
- EXP – expiration date
- LN – Last name
- FN – First Name
- Address – the second line will always Be Bayside City, SL 90210
- DOB – Date of Birth
- RSTR – do not edit
- Class – do not edit
- End – do not edit
- Sex
- Hgt – height
- Hair
- WGT – weight
- Eyes
- ISS – issue date – the current date
- Replace the numbers over the image with the current date in mmddyy format
- Click uploads in the left column and upload their license photo
- Drag that image to the photo section. You can double click to reposition
- Remove veteran or donor if they are not applicable
- Click share in the upper right hand corner
- Click download
- NOTE: before clicking the purple download button, click select pages and deselect all then select the page you need. Otherwise it will download all of the licenses
- Upload this image as the License Photo in CAD and click add record to complete
- Upload the image to Second Life and send to the resident
Address Change
If a resident has moved to a new location in Bayside and would like to update their license – they can update in CAD for free. If they would like a re-print, they will pay $200 for a new license.
Note, if they face legal trouble and their printed license does not match their records they may receive a warning or ticket. All tickets in Bayside can be appealed via a trial/hearing.
- Advise them to go to registration to update their paperwork. They’ll need to change their address on their character by clicking the civilian tab and then edit character.
- They need to pay $100 to the tip jar you are logged into if requesting a reprint
- Once they save, access the DMV tab and then records > search
- type their username into the first name field and click the result under records
- locate their license and click to open
- Under civilian information, type search to locate them. Once selected, it should update with their license. If not, you can manually enter it.
- Locate their license in the Canva template, update and download
- Update their license photo if they requested a reprint
- Click save record
- Upload the license and send to them in world